• Vestibulum quis diam velit, vitae euismod ipsum

    Etiam tincidunt lobortis massa et tincidunt. Vivamus commodo feugiat turpis, in pulvinar felis elementum vel. Vivamus mollis tempus odio, ac imperdiet enim adipiscing non. Nunc iaculis sapien at felis posuere at posuere massa pellentesque. Suspendisse a viverra tellus. Nam ut arcu et leo rutrum porttitor. Integer ut nulla eu magna adipiscing ornare. Vestibulum quis diam velit, vitae euismod ipsum? Quisque ...

  • Aliquam vel dolor vitae dui tempor sollicitudin

    Proin ac leo eget nibh interdum egestas? Aliquam vel dolor vitae dui tempor sollicitudin! Integer sollicitudin, justo non posuere condimentum, mauris libero imperdiet urna, a porttitor metus lorem ac arcu. Curabitur sem nulla, rutrum ut elementum at, malesuada quis nisl. Suspendisse potenti. In rhoncus ipsum convallis mauris adipiscing aliquam. Etiam quis dolor sed orci vestibulum venenatis auctor non ligula. Nulla ...

  • Nam ullamcorper iaculis erat eget suscipit.

    Etiam ultrices felis sed ante tincidunt pharetra. Morbi sit amet orci at lorem tincidunt viverra. Donec varius posuere leo et iaculis. Pellentesque ultricies, ante at dignissim rutrum, nisi enim tempor leo, id iaculis sapien risus quis neque. Ut sed mauris sit amet eros tincidunt adipiscing eu vitae lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos ...


Tool of the day: The E20 is a flat, short, slightly rounded and dense brush. Perfect for precisely applying colors on the lid and smudging along the lash line! :D Sigma Beauty

The Sigma Makeup brand is synonymous with quality and functionality. Our products are handmade and were developed to satisfy the highest quality standards. We offer a complete line of professional brushes specifically designed to highlight eyes and face. Each brush was individually tested for perfor

The Sigma Makeup exclusive Dazzle Heart pocket mirror is the perfect accessory to dazzle up your makeup collection and perfect your finishing touches! Sigma Beauty

The Sigma Makeup brand is synonymous with quality and functionality. Our products are handmade and were developed to satisfy the highest quality standards. We offer a complete line of professional brushes specifically designed to highlight eyes and face. Each brush was individually tested for perfor

Store all of you Sigma Beauty products in two different beautiful satin makeup bags! Both convenient for your various collections Sigma Makeup Bag kit - Pink

The Sigma Makeup brand is synonymous with quality and functionality. Our products are handmade and were developed to satisfy the highest quality standards. We offer a complete line of professional brushes specifically designed to highlight eyes and face. Each brush was individually tested for perfor

Get yourself all dazzled up for the weekend with the Cleopatra Heart Shaped Mirror! 
The Sigma Makeup brand is synonymous with quality and functionality. Our products are handmade and were developed to satisfy the highest quality standards. We offer a complete line of professional brushes specifically designed to highlight eyes and face. Each brush was individually tested for perfor

Avid beauty blog readers will be likely to see Sedona Lace, a new colorful make up company taking over the blogosphere.  Sedona Lace may very well be a small company as of yet, but big things are sure to come quickly.  I was lucky enough to be sent two of Sedona Lace's best selling items for personal use and review right here on my blog.

This is just a quick photo post to give you an idea of what the products look like and a short overview of Sedona Lace as a company.  I have yet to really be able to use the products on myself so my review so far will be very basic.  Your eyes are in for a treat though!

Pinks, nudes and gold shimmers are all great spring colors for your cheeks! Use the F40 for a fresh glowing appearance Large Angled Contour - F40

The Sigma Makeup brand is synonymous with quality and functionality. Our products are handmade and were developed to satisfy the highest quality standards. We offer a complete line of professional brushes specifically designed to highlight eyes and face. Each brush was individually tested for perfor

Fashion Beauty Blog Giveaway