• Vestibulum quis diam velit, vitae euismod ipsum

    Etiam tincidunt lobortis massa et tincidunt. Vivamus commodo feugiat turpis, in pulvinar felis elementum vel. Vivamus mollis tempus odio, ac imperdiet enim adipiscing non. Nunc iaculis sapien at felis posuere at posuere massa pellentesque. Suspendisse a viverra tellus. Nam ut arcu et leo rutrum porttitor. Integer ut nulla eu magna adipiscing ornare. Vestibulum quis diam velit, vitae euismod ipsum? Quisque ...

  • Aliquam vel dolor vitae dui tempor sollicitudin

    Proin ac leo eget nibh interdum egestas? Aliquam vel dolor vitae dui tempor sollicitudin! Integer sollicitudin, justo non posuere condimentum, mauris libero imperdiet urna, a porttitor metus lorem ac arcu. Curabitur sem nulla, rutrum ut elementum at, malesuada quis nisl. Suspendisse potenti. In rhoncus ipsum convallis mauris adipiscing aliquam. Etiam quis dolor sed orci vestibulum venenatis auctor non ligula. Nulla ...

  • Nam ullamcorper iaculis erat eget suscipit.

    Etiam ultrices felis sed ante tincidunt pharetra. Morbi sit amet orci at lorem tincidunt viverra. Donec varius posuere leo et iaculis. Pellentesque ultricies, ante at dignissim rutrum, nisi enim tempor leo, id iaculis sapien risus quis neque. Ut sed mauris sit amet eros tincidunt adipiscing eu vitae lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos ...


What You Can Win: Sedona Lace 12 piece professional brush brush set (winners color choice)
Giveaway Host:
Sedona Lace Giveaway
Giveaway is Open To:  Internationally
Main Entry Method: Comment on Giveaway Post
Additional Entry Methods: Yes
Giveaway Ends:

What You Can Win: *First winner will receive FOUR mac eyeshadow refill pans
ONE mac powder blush
ONE mac lipstick
(Everything will be of winners own choice)

*Second winner will receive a Sigma make me up kit
(Color of winners own choice)

* Third winner will get BH cosmetics 120 palette 2nd edition.

Giveaway Host: Madiha's Makeup
Blog Giveaway
Giveaway is Open To:  Internationally
Main Entry Method: Fill the From on Giveaway Post
Additional Entry Methods: Yes
Giveaway Ends: 20th June

What You Can Win: Lots of harajuku girls, pinks, and all things kawaii.
Giveaway Host: Lip Gloss Love Affair
Blog Giveaway
Giveaway is Open To:  Internationally
Main Entry Method: Fill the From on Giveaway Post
Additional Entry Methods: Yes
Giveaway Ends: -- -- -- ---

What You Can Win: You Can 2 lipsticks and 2 rimmel 60 seconds nail polishes from Rimmel London
Giveaway Host: Be Beauty-licious Blog Giveaway
Giveaway is Open To:  Internationally
Main Entry Method: Fill the From on Giveaway Post
Additional Entry Methods: Yes
Giveaway Ends: -- -- -- ---

Here are some tips to remember when going out for the day:

* Try to keep out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest. Tanning is overrated, anyway. But you do need some sun to process vitamin D, which helps keep skin smooth and moist.

* Use sunscreen, although remember that you have to reapply it based on its SPF. Make sure that it’s water-resistant ifi you’re going swimming! There are even spray-on sunscreens for hair to prevent damage caused by exposure to the sun! Don’t forget lip balm with sunscreen in it! Just remember to keep away from lab-created skin products; melanoma is caused by the chemicals in many skin products!
* Think about what clothes you’re wearing. Cotton will help prevent sunburn unless the fabric is white. Also, try to reduce the amount of skin exposed to the sun, especially with children.
* Try to keep in the shade, or keep items on hand like umbrellas, sunglasses and hats.
* Scrub your skin and keep it hydrated with quality body washes and lotions.
* Ingest cod liver oil and other sources of vitamin D.
* Pay attention to what you eat, and eat healthy; your skin is a reflection of what you eat!

As Summer begins, it bring along enjoyable activities like Going out, Evening Parties,  Shopping etc. But Women get frustrated in Summer because it can cause bad impact on their beauty by destroying their makeups due to the heat of the summer Weather. Here are some Beauty tips to maintain Make-up of any Feminine.
1). Must use moisturizer and then apply primer and later the make up, as this is the best sequence especially for summer.
2). Instead of putting lot of makeup on the face and look like a crown, its good to wear very less and light colored makeup.
3). Apply bronzer once you are going out in the summer. But select an appropriate color, so that you do not look pale.

Fashion Beauty Blog Giveaway